Getting started

The Unofficial *NIX Lancher for Minecraft is an unofficial launcher for the Android version the Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It uses uses fake JNI (Java Native Interface) to communicate with Minecraft. Unofficial *NIX Lancher for Minecraft supports x86, x86_64, armhf, and arm64 versions of Minecraft on both Linux and MacOS



The Unofficial *NIX Lancher for Minecraft can be installed in many ways, however the primary method of installation is with the Appimage


AppImages are deprecated and keep on an outdated release.

Some soft forks continued to violating the "Can I play with an apk" policy.

Consider switching to flatpak / native OS packages for Debian, Ubuntu or Fedora

Minecraft Versions up to are allowed, while only up to 1.21.5X are fully supported

Prebuilt linux AppImages were available on AppImage Builder on Github After downloading simply open terminal, chmod +x Minecraft_Bedrock_Launcher-*.AppImage and run it. With some Filemanagers you should be able to run it with double click, similar to running a *.exe file on Windows. Otherwise run it from a Terminal ./Minecraft_Bedrock_Launcher-*.AppImage


To Upgrade, simply remove the old appimage and download the new version using the above steps

Startmenu Integration

If it's your first time you have installed an AppImage and you want an Icon in your startmenu

  • install AppImageLauncher
  • run the AppImage like before
  • AppImageLauncher will ask you to integrate it, press yes
  • You can now start and update the Launcher directly from your startmenu


You can also install mcpelauncher on Linux via Flathub. To install it, first setup Flatpak then run

Install / Update System Wide

sudo flatpak install flathub io.mrarm.mcpelauncher

To update the launcher if already installed you can run this command

sudo flatpak update

Install / Update User

flatpak install --user flathub io.mrarm.mcpelauncher

To update the launcher if already installed you can run this command

flatpak update


If it's your first time you have installed a Flatpak please logout from your Computer and sign back in to be able to find the Launcher inside your startmenu.

To run it from a Terminal, run

flatpak run io.mrarm.mcpelauncher

If it doesn't start you can enable debug logging like this

flatpak run io.mrarm.mcpelauncher -v

If this still just closes, you might need to disable wayland support due to bugs of certain linux (sub)systems like chromeos

flatpak run --nosocket=wayland --nosocket=fallback-x11 --socket=x11 io.mrarm.mcpelauncher

Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora repo

How to add the apt or rpm repository.

Once added you can install the mcpelauncher-manifest, mcpelauncher-ui-manifest and msa-manifest packages to install the launcher system wide.

Debian / Ubuntu

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mcpelauncher-manifest mcpelauncher-ui-manifest msa-manifest


sudo dnf install mcpelauncher-manifest mcpelauncher-ui-manifest msa-manifest

Arch User Repository (AUR) Package

This is equivalent to a source build, but automated

Unofficial packages for Arch Linux users can be installed on the AUR, both client and Qt launcher. You can install using an appropriate AUR helper such as yay.

yay -S mcpelauncher-linux mcpelauncher-ui

If you find mcpelauncher-linux to be behind, there is as well that is equivalent to a nightly build.


You can find it in the startmenu or run the following command


If it doesn't start you can enable debug logging like this

mcpelauncher-ui-qt -v


Mojang will soon require OpenGL ES 3.1

Starting with March 2025 updates to Minecraft can stop in this macOS Port, which supports at most OpenGL ES 3.0

It's not recommend to buy the android game just for this launcher

Minecraft Versions up to 1.21.62 are currently fully supported, (beta) is working

Prebuilt macOS binary's are currently available here. Always copy the App to a writeable location otherwise the updater won't work.

Source build

If there are no packages available for your distribution or you want to compile, check out the Source Build guide.