
Implement a new jni function

Add the following flags to the cmake command like cmake -DJNIVM_ENABLE_TRACE=ON -DJNIVM_USE_FAKE_JNI_CODEGEN=ON, this doesn't work if you have configured to use FakeJni ( JNI_USE_JNIVM=OFF )

Edit this file https://github.com/minecraft-linux/mcpelauncher-client/blob/eb2465a1f59422b1cf11d14b9838eeb5d5c32237/src/jni/jni_support.cpp#L254 and add


Access FakeJni::JString ----------------------- call FakeJni::JString::asStdString() to get a std::string - create a new jni string with std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mycstr")

Register a native jni static function

To call native functions you have to register them first. Put

registerNatives(BrowserLaunchActivity::getDescriptor(), {
    {"somefunction", "(JLjava/lang/String;)V"},
}, symResolver);
  • BrowserLaunchActivity is the c++ class name of the jni class
  • "(JLjava/lang/String;)V" is the jni descriptor of this native function describes the parameter and return value of the function, see the jdk jni documentation
  • "somefunction" is the jni name of this function

into https://github.com/minecraft-linux/mcpelauncher-client/blob/eb2465a1f59422b1cf11d14b9838eeb5d5c32237/src/jni/jni_support.cpp#L91

Call a native jni instance function from an instance method

auto method = getClass().getMethod("(JLjava/lang/String;)V", "somefunction");
FakeJni::LocalFrame frame;
method->invoke(frame.getJniEnv(), this, callback, frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")));
  • frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")) creates a new jni reference for calling a native jni method
  • FakeJni::LocalFrame frame; reads the current attached fake jvm for this thread and creates a new jni reference frame, it's destructor releases all local references of this frame. Call the contructor with a vm object to create a frame on detached threads.
  • "(JLjava/lang/String;)V" is the jni descriptor of this native function describes the parameter and return value of the function, see the jdk jni documentation
  • "somefunction" is the jni name of this function

Call a native jni static function from an instance method

auto method = getClass().getMethod("(JLjava/lang/String;)V", "somefunction");
FakeJni::LocalFrame frame;
method->invoke(frame.getJniEnv(), &getClass(), callback, frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")));
  • frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")) creates a new jni reference for calling a native jni method
  • FakeJni::LocalFrame frame; reads the current attached fake jvm for this thread and creates a new jni reference frame, it's destructor releases all local references of this frame. Call the contructor with a vm object to create a frame on detached threads.
  • "(JLjava/lang/String;)V" is the jni descriptor of this native function describes the parameter and return value of the function, see the jdk jni documentation
  • "somefunction" is the jni name of this function

Call an arbitary native jni static function from an instance method

auto method = BrowserLaunchActivity::getDescriptor()->getMethod("(JLjava/lang/String;)V", "somefunction");
FakeJni::LocalFrame frame;
method->invoke(frame.getJniEnv(), BrowserLaunchActivity::getDescriptor().get(), callback, frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")));
  • frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")) creates a new jni reference for calling a native jni method
  • FakeJni::LocalFrame frame; reads the current attached fake jvm for this thread and creates a new jni reference frame, it's destructor releases all local references of this frame. Call the contructor with a vm object to create a frame on detached threads.
  • "(JLjava/lang/String;)V" is the jni descriptor of this native function describes the parameter and return value of the function, see the jdk jni documentation
  • "somefunction" is the jni name of this function

Call an arbitary native jni static function from anywhere

// A reference to the jvm, you might have to manually pass them to your function or class
Baron::Jvm vm;
FakeJni::LocalFrame frame(&vm);
auto method = BrowserLaunchActivity::getDescriptor()->getMethod("(JLjava/lang/String;)V", "somefunction");
method->invoke(frame.getJniEnv(), BrowserLaunchActivity::getDescriptor().get(), callback, frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")));
  • frame.getJniEnv().createLocalReference(std::make_shared<FakeJni::JString>("mystr")) creates a new jni reference for calling a native jni method
  • FakeJni::LocalFrame frame; reads the current attached fake jvm for this thread and creates a new jni reference frame, it's destructor releases all local references of this frame. Call the contructor with a vm object to create a frame on detached threads.
  • "(JLjava/lang/String;)V" is the jni descriptor of this native function describes the parameter and return value of the function, see the jdk jni documentation
  • "somefunction" is the jni name of this function

Create a global jni reference of a c++ object

// A reference to the jvm, you might have to manually pass them to your function or class
Baron::Jvm vm;
auto activity = std::make_shared<MainActivity>();
auto activityRef = vm.createGlobalReference(activity);